IM3 Final Concert
Monday, January 27, 2014 at 5:00PM

InterMountain Trio Final Concert
When: Sat, February 1, 7pm – 9pm
Where: 33-35 Bleecker Square - Gloversville NY 12078

iM3 Final Concert Saturday, Feb 1 at 7pm. Tickets are $25 and include coffee, tea and the dessert buffet. There will also be a cash bar featuring beer and wine available before the show, at intermission and following the show. Tickets can be purchased at

or at the Bleecker Square Trading Co. located at 35 Bleecker Street in Gloversville. BSTC is open Wed-Fri 10am-6pm and Saturday from 9am-3pm. For all of you who have reserved seats already, prepare for a very exciting evening! The doors open at 6:00. 

Article via Skyheart Studio Facebook

Article originally appeared on Front Page Gloversville (
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