Business Spotlight: Efficient Heating

Ef•fi•cient (ih-fish-uhnt) an adjective meaning: performing or functioning in the best possible way with the least waste of time and effort; having and using requisite knowledge, skill, and industry; competent; capable. Satisfactory and economical to use.
Patrick St. Pierre is the owner of Efficient Heating Services and the word "efficient" is not only part of his business name it also applies to everything the company does. Patrick is on a mission to save homeowners and property owners money on their energy bills and to ensure EHS customers really are receiving the most bang for their hard-earned bucks. Because Patrick is independent and doesn't work for the oil companies, his loyalty lies with the homeowner and the landlord. I have had Patrick work on heating and plumbing issues at my home and business (both of which are located in Gloversville) and each visit resulted in some new nugget of information on how I can save money, both short- and long-term. It's the little things which help to lead to an overall efficient heating or cooling system, and since Patrick has more than 20 years experience in these trades he knows all the tricks.
I also like that Patrick and his team, sons Scott and Jamie, treated me like a member of their family and not just a customer number in their database. I feel important because they took the time to really get to know me, my home and my business. I feel empowered because I have more knowledge about the heating, cooling and plumbing systems in my home and business and I now take ownership and greater interest in these systems.
I recommend highly the Efficient Heating Services team!
Efficient Heating Services
37 Bloomingdale Avenue
Gloversville NY 12078
Article by Lori Davis