Community Coffee Break

I've been thinking a lot lately about the loss of fraternity organizations over the years and how those organization helped to facilitate the exchange of ideas in a community. Prominent business owners, leaders and volunteers in our community don't get together enough anymore to just "shoot the breeze" and discuss things. That type of non formal "think tank" has dwindled. We discuss many topics on social media sites and blogs, but it is often one or two informed individuals carrying the conversation. Which is good, but it doesn't keep informed all of the other leaders and volunteers in our community about issues that are important to us. I would really love to get to know some of you that have been involved in the community andor held public office over the years. You have a wealth of knowledge that could and should be shared. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all put aside our differences and meet like once a month for coffee or something? Just discuss where we have been and where we want to go. We wouldn’t necessarily need to organize any direct change or make decisions. The man objective would be to discuss local topics and share our ideas. Topics could be anything from the direction of the city as a whole or ideas for community events. The best way to move forward as a community is to involve various leaders and organizations in discussions. We need to have a global plan, if you will, in order to keep moving forward.
I also think this is a good way to encourage people to get involved in their community and volunteer for various events and committees. What better way to learn what avenues of community service interest you and how to get involved in those areas of the community than to discuss those topics with people who have experience in them?
Article by B. Logan Barclay

Think Tank
There were many wonderful ideas and valid points brought up tonight at the Comprehensive Plan workshop at Boulevard Elementary School. Although I've got to say the thing that resonated the most with me is that I was in the room with a group of other individuals that are also passionate about Gloversville. Together we have a wealth of knowledge that should be utilized more often.
Those who want to see progress made in Gloversville need to come together on a regular basis and discuss. Discuss what each individual is doing to bring about change, what their affiliated organization or business is doing and how others can incorporate those ideas into their own community development projects. How can our organizations work together on projects, events and marketing. Our community involvement is there, but it is diluted. We need to come together as a unit and work on the future. I've brought this up before, but I'd really like to see some of those community advocates sit down and just shoot the breeze every so often over coffee. I can only imagine all that we could share with each other!
Article by B. Logan Barclay