
Jackson Baldwin

The hardships facing infant Jackson Baldwin and his family have been all over facebook as well as the local news over the past couple of weeks. For those who are not already familiar, Jackson Baldwin was born in August of last year with an extremely rare condition knows as Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, or RDEB. If you would like to learn more about his condition, his progress, and what you can do to help, please visit the webpage set up by the family here:

Recently, Jackson was approved for Medicaid coverage, but this will only cover part of the $1.5m cost of the treatment he needs, and the travel costs to get to and from the Amplatz Children's Hospital in Minneapolis. There has already been an outpouring of support by our community but we need to keep the momentum going. One good way to fuel this effort is to use the social media tools you have to continue to draw awareness to Jackson and his family (guide to tweeting). Again, to find out how you can contribute, visit or the Save Jackson Now Campaign.  

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