Gloversville Neighborhood Watch 1/17/13

Thursday, January 17, 2013 at 6:30pm Gloversville City Hall Employee Lounge.
There will be lite refreshments served to celebrate the New Year! Anyone attending will be eligible to win a door prize. We encourage all to take a moment and attend one of our meetings to find out how you can "Help Take Back our City"
Lets start out 2013 with "NEW FACES" and continue to support Gloversville Neighborhood Watch by attending meetings and being a part of something positive.
Please contact Shirley and Richard Sleezer at: or by telephone 773-7296 for more information on how you can help "Take Back Your City" and Neighborhood!
Have a safe Holiday Season and we will see you January 17, 2013 .
Shirley & Richard Sleezer, Coordinators
Information courtesy of the Facebook Event

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