Recycling for Recreation

Many people have contacted me with concerns around the city and would like to help out. The problem is not all of us have time or the resources that we wish we had. I understand that everyone has jobs to go to and many have little mouths to feed. Nobody will hold that against you, but we have a way you can help and it can only benefit you in the process!
There has been a Green Fiber recycling bin near the side entrance to City Hall since 2010. Few seem to know about it and I haven't heard mention of it for some time until recently. All of paper products from City Hall go into it! Green Fiber in turn uses the paper for manufacturing blow-in insulation. Nifty! Citizens can contribute to this effort to recycle as well! Why would you want to do this? Alright here is the kicker, for every ton of paper that gets picked up by Green Fiber the city gets $25 dollars that goes into the Recreation Fund!
Citizens can bring down any paper products EXCEPT pizza boxes, paper with excessive crayon on it and boxes used to transport vegetables, because they are covered inside with a food grade wax. Some examples are: wrapping paper, cardboard tubes from toilet paper and paper towels, tissue boxes, cereal boxes, envelopes (even with the plastic window), boxes that garbage bags & food storage bags come in, frozen food boxes, etc.
It may not seem like much, but if we could get more people onboard think of the results both financial and Green. Either way every little bit helps and it goes right back to all of you in the form of recreational events. As it turns out more than half of our garbage is paper that can be recycled! So lets recycle!
-Logan Barclay