Neighborhood Watch Meeting 4/8/13

There will be a Gloversville Neighborhood Watch meeting held at 6:30pm in the court chamber at City Hall on Monday April 8th, 2013. The community is encouraged to attend these meetings. At the meeting Monday, Guest Speaker Dan Druziak the Hagaman Neighborhood Watch President will talk about how that group started and what it does. Dave Druziak will also discuss how they formed their Neighborhood Watch to include officers such as president, vice president, treasurer and secretary.
Two of the organizers, Dick and Shirley Sleezer, have mentioned that they hope future guest speakers to include an electrician to talk about motion lights and a lock smith to discuss different types of locks to secure your home.
This is an excellent time to get involved and learn what Neighborhood Watch is all about.
The Gloversville Neighborhood Watch meets at 6:30 p.m. the second Monday of every month at Gloversville City Hall in the court chamber. Anyone who would like more information about the Gloversville group can call Dick and Shirley Sleezer at 773-7296.
Article by B. Logan Barclay