Entries by FPG (449)


A Work in Progress

While this website certainly isn’t ready to go ‘live’ we understand that there is the possibility some may stumble upon it sooner or later. For that reason, here is a little taste of who we are, why we’re creating this page, and what you can expect in the future:

For starters, this page is a project conceived by two Gloversville residents who believe that this city is one that doesn’t live up to its potential. A simple walk down Main Street makes it clear that this city has a lot of untapped possibility that is waiting for the right people with the right ideas to come together. The solutions to the problems facing this city will be collaborative. One concerned citizen, one mayor or one council member with initiative and the right ideas won’t be enough. We hope to help facilitate that collaboration.

This page will be a lot of different things. On one hand it will be a place to highlight the many positive aspects of this city, from some of our first-rate restaurants to our top notch green spaces. Another aspect will be a unified place to facilitate community involvement and service with our Community Exchange. Finally, it will be a place to share positive ideas and encourage growth in our city.

In closing, this is a venture open to all. We’re not interested in partisan politics, or endless comment pages of back and forth bickering, and we’re not interested in muckraking, and juicy news stories. Between the existing news sources, Facebook, and other local blogs there are enough venues for that kind of discourse. This is something different.

If you’re interested in our vision, and want to be notified when things ‘go live’ please join our mailing list by filling out the 'Contact Us' form to the left. As things come together we’ll send updates as well as information on opportunities to get involved in local efforts to improve our city.

Stay tuned! 

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