Entries in Community (190)


Public Library Annual Election

Gloversville Public Library Annual Election

Tuesday, May 7, 2013
12:00 noon - 9:00 p.m.
Polling location: the Library

Tax Levy Proposition:

Shall the sum of $264,579 be levied and collected yearly as a tax upon the taxable real property within the Gloversville Enlarged School District to support and maintain the Gloversville Public Library?

1 trustee position (write-in only: must use full, legal name)


Rabies Clinic

There will be a Rabies Clinic on Wednesday May 8th from 6-8pm at Fulton County Department of Public Health! You must preregister by calling 736-5720. Deadline to preregister is May 7th!


Relay for Life BBQ

A chicken barbecue to benefit Relay for Life Team Brindle will be held April 26 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Walmart parking lot.

Tickets cost 8.50 each and can be purchased by calling 725-0048 or 332-1596.

The dinner is provided by the Winners Circle.


Spring Cleaning for Recreation

Spring has finally sprung! If you are doing spring cleaning and come upon gently used tennis racquets, golf clubs and bicycles, please consider donating them to the Recreation Commission. We have events coming up and with limited funds, any donated equipment is greatly appreciated! Pick up/drop off can be arranged by sending Gloversville City Recreation a message on Facebook or the commission member emails are available on the City website. Thank you!

Gloversville Recreation Commission

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