Entries in Community (190)


Gloversville Easter Egg Hunt 2013

The 2nd Annual Gloversville Easter Egg Hunt will be held at Myers Park March 30th, 2013 at 1:00 o'clock rain or shine!

We are excited to have over 3,600 candy filled plastic eggs this year! The LCF Band is back again and will be staged in the gazebo. Hot cocoa, juice and snacks will be provided FREE. We will also have a face painting station! Hotdogs and other items will also be available for sale. Don’t forget to bring your camera as there will be special guests including The Easter Bunny and Miss Fulton County Katelynn Smith.

Parking at the top of the hill will be limited to handicap permits only. Parking attendants will be present to assist people with special needs.

Please feel to stay in the park after the event and listen to the band or have a picnic.

Update 3/29/13: Here is some additional information about tomorrow's Easter Egg Hunt. They are asking people to enter Meyer's Park from the Meyers Parkway (off Bloomingdale Avenue) entrance. The roads within the park will be closed to traffic, so please park outside the park and walk in. The event is scheduled to start at 1:00 P.M. and end at 3:00 P.M. Please bear in mind that there is still snow in the park, and you will need to wear boots or shoes which are appropriate to walk around in the snow. For people with valid handicapped parking placards, please drive up to the park entrance on Meyers Parkway, and they will help facilitate your entry into the park. Thank you, and please come out and enjoy the day.

If you have questions, email Chanda King at pamperedkings@yahoo.com

Article via Gloversville Easter Egg Hunt Facebook page


Support Gloversville Varsity Tennis

On Wednesday April 3 the community is invited to join the Gloversville Varsity Tennis team for dinner at McDonald's on 5th Avenue extension from 5-7pm. McDonald's will be donating 20% of profits accumulated during this time to the varsity team.
You are welcome to purchase anything you'd like. So if there is a day next week you are going to eat out this would be the night to do it. Support a great team and their active lifestyle.


Downtown Gloversville Historic District

Downtown Gloversville Historic District
(added 1985 - Fulton County - #85002367)
Roughly bounded by Spring, Prospect, E. Fulton, N. and S. Main and Elm Sts. , Gloversville
(250 acres, 78 buildings)
Historic Significance: Event, Architecture/Engineering
Architect, builder, or engineer: Multiple
Architectural Style: Classical Revival, Italianate, Second Empire
Area of Significance: Entertainment/Recreation, Industry, Architecture
Period of Significance: 1925-1949, 1900-1924, 1875-1899, 1850-1874
Owner: Local , Private
Historic Function: Commerce/Trade, Domestic
Historic Sub-function: Business, Specialty Store
Current Function: Commerce/Trade, Domestic

National Register of Historic Places


Kingsboro Historic District

Kingsboro Historic District
(added 1975 - Fulton County - #75001190)
Area surrounding Kingsboro Ave. Park to N side of cemetery and S to include both sides of Gregory St. , Gloversville
(140 acres, 18 buildings)
Historic Significance: Event, Architecture/Engineering
Architect, builder, or engineer: Et al., Mills,Samuel Stewart
Architectural Style: Greek Revival
Area of Significance: Exploration/Settlement, Architecture, Religion
Period of Significance: 1875-1899, 1850-1874, 1825-1849, 1800-1824
Owner: Private
Historic Function: Domestic, Religion
Historic Sub-function: Religious Structure, Single Dwelling
Current Function: Domestic, Religion
Current Sub-function: Religious Structure, Single Dwelling

National Register of Historic Places

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