Holiday Season Events

Good evening everyone,
I know that the weather is starting to get a bit on the frightful side with that fluffy white stuff on its way soon enough, but that shouldn't hinder us from finishing the year with a bang! With Halloween under our belts(or maybe at our waists) we are in the full swing of the holiday season. Thanksgiving is a few days away and winter lights are popping up all over!
The cold doesn't have to end the good times though! There are many things going on around the city from workshops with the kids to holiday concerts. And don't forget the schools aren't the only ones with musical festivities! The Glove Performing Arts Center and SkyHeart Studio constantly have events and plays for us to enjoy.
For many years I have heard people complain that there is nothing to do in Gloversville. It has been my humble experience that this is simply just not the case. We will continue to update you on events as we become aware of them both on our website and via Facebook.
So stay tuned!!!
Yours truly,
Logan Barclay